News updates for the Forest Hill Park Association.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Council advises to follow-up with Planning Dept.

We have received some messages from City Council members. Kelli Crawford, Ward 10 Councilwoman and Chairwoman of the Parks and Recreation Committee, has refered our petitions to the Planning Department. Cheryl Prough, Clerk of Council, let us know that "the only way the property would come before Council would be if the Planning Department requests changing the zoning of the property". Furthermore she let us know that our "councilman can request the zoning be changed, which as you know is Mr. Kilby".

So, there it is. Guess I'll be blogging about zoning soon.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Ward 2 Meeting a great success!!

We had a great meeting with Ward 2 Councilman Bruce Kilby. Bruce was joined by Darryl Kleinhenz, of the Development Services Division; Clay Kozar, the former COPs officer and now a detective; and Steve Bushco, the city liason with the schools.

There were 32 residents present at this meeting! A significant increase from previous meetings.

Darryl Kleinhenz reviewed the status of the city's plan for vacant land which we'll call the Forest Hill Memorial Park (the city calls it the Blinn Alotment).

Don Lee reviewed some historical reasons why this area should be preserved. Based on the history of the Mountain Lion streetcar it sounds to me like the park is a historical site.

The Forest Hill Park Association signed up four more members and got six more signatures for the park petition.

Monday, November 17, 2008

New Website and Photos!

Hi everybody! We've just launched a new website, where you'll find information about the Forest Hill Park Association. Read about our cause, view photos and video (coming soon!) of the land we'd like to see converted into a neighborhood park. Check out the news section for recent FHPA and FHPA-related happenings, check out the schedule of events page so you can plan ahead for the next meeting, and explore links to other sites that are of relevance to the Forest Hill community in general.

We'd thought to spruce up our blog a bit, so here are some photos of the land we're interested in seeing become a park:

Again, visit our website for more information about the FHPA!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Forest Hill Park Association Launches New Blog

Welcome to the Forest Hill Park Association blog! This has been launched so that you might keep up all the new developments that take place in our campaign to convert vacant land into a neighborhood park.