News updates for the Forest Hill Park Association.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Ward 2 Meeting a great success!!

We had a great meeting with Ward 2 Councilman Bruce Kilby. Bruce was joined by Darryl Kleinhenz, of the Development Services Division; Clay Kozar, the former COPs officer and now a detective; and Steve Bushco, the city liason with the schools.

There were 32 residents present at this meeting! A significant increase from previous meetings.

Darryl Kleinhenz reviewed the status of the city's plan for vacant land which we'll call the Forest Hill Memorial Park (the city calls it the Blinn Alotment).

Don Lee reviewed some historical reasons why this area should be preserved. Based on the history of the Mountain Lion streetcar it sounds to me like the park is a historical site.

The Forest Hill Park Association signed up four more members and got six more signatures for the park petition.

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