News updates for the Forest Hill Park Association.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

FHPA: We Need You to Act Now!

Ken Blackerby, co-founder of the FHPA, and David Thompson, FHPA's Secretary, each released two very important messages over the last two days. Both deal with our campaign to get the land between the corners of Dan and Evans, and Damon and Hollibaugh developed into a neighborhood park. Neither contain good news.

It looks as if our plans for a park are in jeopardy. Many in our community understand that this land would be best utilized if turned into a park and don't want to see this opportunity slip by! We hope that you don't want it to slip by either, so contact Councilman Kilby, your representatives, and members of the press (through emails provided below, or through other means) to let them know that you stand with the citizens of the Forest Hill community on this!


Nathan M. Blackerby


We are in need of some noise, comments, and just plain help in our effort to establish a park for the Forest Hill area.

The planning department is saying they will be breaking ground and have a house built by spring.
Please contact all political, legal, and media sources at your disposal. Bring up this issue with all your friends and neighbors. We need the city to know that we are not going away and we will not be ignored.

David Thompson
Forest Hill Park Association, Secretary

Hello Members,

This is Ken Blackerby. The latest info from downtown including Mr. Kilby has not been very cheerful in the sense that we can get a park here. So I have written to the Beacon Journal the Plain Dealer, T. Sawyer, Vernon Sykes, T. Ryan, Sherrod Brown, WNIR, Summit county Council, and the Summit county Democratic Party. I feel that these communications will both inform and get people on our side. We should not be ignored. I think we have been very patient with Akron City Government. Call or contact any of the above to let them know that there are people who want a park.



Please Contact:

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